Omega Plan

Omega Plan is a payment aid program for customers with an active loan that had a profound impact on their business due to COVID-19.

Forecasting global economy behavior, the Collections team created a Payment Restructure plan, which helps current customers, increasing the term of their loan and decreasing the amount of monthly payment during the first installments according to a defined segmentation.

Since Konfío’s loan-application process is 100% digital (and most of the time customers complete it without any help from a human) we are aiming for a self-service experience on this aid program, where customers would be able to activate this plan without customer service help through their dashboard.


  • Design a user-friendly but mostly self-service experience within customer dashboard.

Konfío’s mission: to help and to empower Mexican SME’s become key throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.


The most challenging part of this project was to translate a long product requirement document and technical language regarding loan restructure into a two-line copy length.

In order to drive customers to a real self-service experience, I found out that concepts such as loan restructure and accrued interest needed to be explained without complications, besides providing detailed information about their loan restructure, for instance, terms & interest rates.


Quick user flow / information architecture exercise
Copywriting (Spanish only)
  • Describir en dos líneas el plan: Ajusta tu capacidad de pago al aumentar el plazo de tu crédito, conservando la tasa interés.
  • Explicar el detalle de nuevo plazo: Tu nuevo plazo es la suma de los pagos restantes más los que agregaste.
  • ¿Qué son los intereses devengados? Pago por (monto) correspondiente a los intereses que se generaron a partir de (fecha de corte).
  • Explicar qué son los pagos crecientes: El monto de la mensualidad incrementa de manera gradual.
Omega Plan has an array of payment options. Customers have to choose one depending on their loan amount, term and debt
Full Prototype:

In order to design a comprehensive experience, I had to work closely with the Collections & Customer Service team, ensuring I understood customer frequently asked questions, loan details and credit Jargon.

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